Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Project 1: Poster Description

The driving force behind this poster was the idea of carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality is defined as the reduction of carbon or greenhouse gas emissions in in order to compensate for or offset an emission made elsewhere. Many European cities have decided to implement this idea of carbon neutrality in order to create a more environmentally friendly city. By using alternative resources and technologies, the carbon neutral initiative not only keeps cities clean but also stimulates the economy. These technologies also help cities save money because from an economic standpoint solar power and wind power are essentially free and those are both ways in which cities can reduce their carbon output.

CO2 emissions are a major cause of air pollution within cities. This poster tackles the issue of city smog by showing how a carbon offset, such as wind energy, can reduce smog within cities, making for a much more pleasant living environment for city dwellers.

The purpose of this poster was to bring about ideas and ways in which city dwellers can contribute to their environment in a positive way. Thinking about the ways in which we can make cities cleaner and more environmentally friendly, ideas of recycling, repurposing, reducing and reusing came to mind. By combining these ideas, smart cities can stay cleaner for its citizens, creating nicer living conditions for their inhabitants.

This poster focuses on two ideas: recycling and reducing. Combining text and imagery, the poster clearly states, “Recycling.” However, the poster tackles more than just recycling. The image of the bike resonates with the idea of reducing gasoline use. Thus, it shows how creating a more environmentally friendly city requires more than just recycling or biking–it requires citizens to do both simultaneously in order keep the environment clean for its inhabitants.

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