Friday, February 8, 2013

Project 1: Narrowed Focus

After countless sketches, internet searches, and discussions with fellow classmates, I have finally found an idea to work with for the Posterheroes project! After researching various topics and issues within the four categories (economy, living, mobility, and people), I decided to tackle the idea of carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality aims to cancel out or reduce carbon emissions by replacing harmful energy resources with something "clean" in order to protect our planet and ozone layer. These clean resources are considerably more cost-effective than traditional energy resources, which could save cities money.

Idea 1

Thinking about carbon neutrality, I developed a typographic logo of sorts. It includes the CO2 symbol with an equal sign in the center of the O, which is the symbol for neutrality. Knowing I wanted to incorporate this logo, I decided to think about alternative energy resources, including wind power, which is what I ultimately chose to focus on. Thinking about CO2 emissions and what that does to the air, I decided to cut out a "clean," sky-blue windmill in the midst of a smoggy sky, indicating that by using alternative resources, our skies will be less foggy, grey and more clear and blue.

Playing off the designs below, I continued to push these designs further and further, refining them as I went along, choosing new typefaces and incorporating my own photograph to get the smog effect I desired. 

Idea 2

Because I am not easily satisfied, I decided to work with another idea and concept in regards to carbon neutrality. I wanted to create a recipe of sorts to live life carbon neutral. I will admit, I am struggling with this concept a little more, just because I feel that in order for it be effective, it must be extremely witty! So over the weekend, this will require a lot of thinking and sketching yet, but for now this is what I have. 

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